Reise durch Wirklichkeiten

Dienstag, 13. August 2024


Selbstvergewisserung. Ist es das? Ein (Mode-)begriff. Wir kehren zu den Stätten unserer Jugend zurück. Um besser zu begreifen, wo und wer wir jetzt sind. Ja klar, Nostalgie. Geschenkt. Das verstehen alle. Sentimentalität. Wir hatten so manches von uns dort im Strom der Zeit und Orte gelassen. Dass solche Sentimentalität nicht mehr unbedingt meine Triebfedern sind, verstehen wenige. Manche sagen „Wurzeln“ dazu. „Zu seinen Wurzeln zurück kehren“, „Meine Wurzeln“. Damit hat das zu tun. Aber alles ist jetzt anders. Ja klar, was denn sonst? Alle sind vom Flow der Entwicklungen geprägt. Bloß, das entdeckt man erst später. Irgendwann entdecken wir, dass wir Geschichte haben, das wir von persönlichen Erfahrungen berichten dürfen, alleine schon deshalb, weil diese keine zufälligen Stichproben sind, sondern über einen langen Zeitraum gesammelt wurden. Wir sind ein Mix: einerseits gesellschaftliche, kollektive Erfahrungen, andererseits persönliche, subjektives Beharren auf uns selbst. Was blieb uns anderes übrig? Wir handelten, so gut es ging... x x Self-assurance. Is that it? A (fashionable) term. We return to the places of our youth. To better understand where and who we are now. Yes, of course, nostalgia. No problem. Everyone understands that. Sentimentality. We had left a lot of ourselves there in the flow of time and place. Few understand that such sentimentality is no longer necessarily my driving force. Some call it "roots". "Returning to your roots", "my roots". It has something to do with that. But everything is different now. Yes, of course, what else? Everyone is shaped by the flow of developments. It's just that you only discover that later. At some point we discover that we have history, that we can report on personal experiences, if only because these are not random samples, but have been collected over a long period of time. We are a mix: on the one hand social, collective experiences, on the other hand personal, subjective insistence on ourselves. What else could we do? We acted as best we could...self-assurance. Is that it? A (fashionable) term. We return to the places of our youth. To better understand where and who we are now. Yes, of course, nostalgia. No problem. Everyone understands that. Sentimentality. We had left a lot of ourselves there in the flow of time and place. Few understand that such sentimentality is no longer necessarily my driving force. Some call it "roots". "Returning to your roots", "my roots". It has something to do with that. But everything is different now. Yes, of course, what else? Everyone is shaped by the flow of developments. But you only discover that later. At some point we discover that we have history, that we can report on personal experiences, if only because these are not random samples, but have been collected over a long period of time. We are a mix: on the one hand social, collective experiences, on the other hand personal, subjective insistence on ourselves. What else could we do? We acted as best we could...

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